MISSION STATEMENT: Our reason for being in business is to aid troubled teens in reaching their full potential and to help them become what they never thought they could be...all while in a safe and secure environment. Here at Revamp Manor we believe that every child's dream really can come true. Though we've never been parents ourselves we understand the importance of preserving your family's legacy. Don't let your offspring's bad decisions taint how others view your good name. Rest assured, here at Revamp Manor your delinquent teens will be in good hands. Our overly qualified and tenderly nurturing staff will work sleeplessly to ensure that your children are safe from themselves and outside threats while helping them kill old habits and turn into positive members of society. Our staff comes from a variety of backgrounds and skill sets ranging from military leadership, social activism and forward thinking, to expert safeguarding through pacifist solutions and cultivating feelings of self-worth by means of maternal affection and whole-hearted acceptance. ln closing, here at Revamp Manor, our philosophy is ultimately based on the importance of an individual's acceptance into society and their ability to leave an everlasting and constructive impact on that society, which we will instill in each and every one of our charges.